Custom-sized foam bricks that offer unparalelled cost-efficiency for temperature control.

Refrigerant ice bricks offer custom shapes with safe, multi-use, cost-effective cooling capacity for temperature-control applications to reward customers for shipping in just the right-sized box using refrigerants that minimize box weight and dunnage.
Refrigerant foam bricks provide a cost effective alternative to:
- Gel packs that are low-cost but use significant payload capacity and have the potential to leak.
- Rigid plastic bottles that are costly and require a high intial carbon footprint, and while promising reusability, often don’t offer a return program.
- Dry ice which requires a shipper and must be handled using personal protective equipment (PPE)
- Offers cost-effective cooling capacity
- Available in any dimension to eliminate dunnage
- Maintains stackability
- Most efficiently optimizes the contents of a container to minimize box weight
- The foam absorbency actively masks most leaks and punctures

All our products are developed and manufactured from our factory in the USA.