Foam Bricks

Custom-sized foam bricks that offer unparalelled cost-efficiency for temperature control.

Refrigerant Foam Bricks

Refrigerant ice bricks offer custom shapes with safe, multi-use, cost-effective cooling capacity for temperature-control applications to reward customers for shipping in just the right-sized box using refrigerants that minimize box weight and dunnage.

Refrigerant foam bricks provide a cost effective alternative to:

  • Gel packs that are low-cost but use significant payload capacity and have the potential to leak.
  • Rigid plastic bottles that are costly and require a high intial carbon footprint, and while promising reusability, often don’t offer a return program.
  • Dry ice which requires a shipper and must be handled using personal protective equipment (PPE)


  • Offers cost-effective cooling capacity
  • Available in any dimension to eliminate dunnage
  • Maintains stackability
  • Most efficiently optimizes the contents of a container to minimize box weight
  • The foam absorbency actively masks most leaks and punctures

Other PCM Products

2-8°C PCM Packs

Our 2-8°C PCM packs are perfect for helping to maintain refrigerated temperatures during transit.

55° PCM Packs

55° PCM packs are perfect for helping to maintain hot temperatures during transit.

All our products are developed and manufactured from our factory in the USA.

Want to know more about our foam bricks?

Call us, we are here to help:

310 638 0900